
Special Editions [Download Buku 99 Tanya Jawab Seputar Sholat ] Ustad Abdul Somad Lc.Ma

ustad abdul somad lc.ma
Ustad Abdul Somad

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Pertanyaan 1: Apakah shalat itu?Pertanyaan 2: Apakah dalil yang mewajibkan shalat?Pertanyaan 3: Bilakah Shalat diwajibkan?Pertanyaan 4: Bilakah seorang muslim mulai diperintahkan melaksanakan shalat?Pertanyaan 5: Apakah shalat mesti dilaksanakan secara berjamaah?Pertanyaan 6: Apa saja keutamaan shalat berjamaah itu?Pertanyaan 7: Apakah hukum perempuan shalat berjamaah ke masjid?Pertanyaan 8: Bagaimanakah cara meluruskan shaf?Pertanyaan 9: Bagaimanakah posisi Shaf anak kecil?Pertanyaan 10: Apakah hukum shalat orang yang tidak berniat?Pertanyaan 11: Apakah hukum melafazkan niat?Pertanyaan 12: Bilakah waktu berniat?Pertanyaan 13: Apakah batasan mengangkat kedua tangan ketika Takbiratul-Ihram?Pertanyaan 14: Berapa posisi mengangkat kedua tangan dalam shalat?Pertanyaan 15: Bagaimanakah letak tangan dan jari jemari?Pertanyaan 16: Apakah hukum membaca doa Iftitah?Pertanyaan 17: Adakah bacaan Iftitah yang lain?Pertanyaan 18: Ketika akan membaca al-Fatihah dan Surah, apakah dianjurkan membaca Ta’awwudz (A’udzubillah)?Pertanyaan 19: Ketika membaca al-Fatihah, apakah Basmalah dibaca Jahr atau sirr?Pertanyaan 20: Apakah hukum membaca al-Fatihah bagi Ma’mum?Pertanyaan 21: Apakah hukum membaca ayat? Apa standar panjang dan pendeknya?Pertanyaan 22: Ketika ruku’ dan sujud, berapakah jumlah tasbih yang dibaca?
Pertanyaan 23: Apakah bacaan pada Ruku’?Pertanyaan 24: Bagaimana pengucapan [ ]تشع الله تظن تزدهdan ucapan [ +ربنا لك اتضمدketika bangun dari ruku’ bagi imam,  ma’mum dan orang yang shalat sendirian?Pertanyaan 25: Adakah bacaan tambahan?Pertanyaan 26: Ketika sujud, manakah yang terlebih dahulu menyentuh lantai, telapak tangan atau lutut?Pertanyaan 27: Apakah bacaan sujud?Pertanyaan 28: Apakah bacaan ketika duduk di antara dua sujud?Pertanyaan 29: Apakah ketika bangun dari sujud itu langsung tegak berdiri atau duduk istirahat sejenak?Pertanyaan 30: Ketika akan tegak berdiri, apakah posisi telapak tangan ke lantai atau dengan posisi tangan mengepal?Pertanyaan 31: Apakah bacaan Tasyahhud?Pertanyaan 32: Bagaimanakah lafaz shalawat?Pertanyaan 33: Apa hukum menambahkan kata Sayyidina sebelum menyebut nama nabi?Pertanyaan 34: Bagaimanakah posisi jari jemari ketika Tasyahhud?Pertanyaan 35: Jika saya masbuq, ketika imam pada rakaat terakhir, sementara itu bukan rakaat terakhir bagi saya, imam duduk Tawarruk, bagaimanakah posisi duduk saya, Tawarruk atau Iftirasy?Pertanyaan 36: Bagaimanakah posisi duduk pada Tasyahhud, apakah duduk Iftirasy atau Tawarruk?Pertanyaan 37: Adakah doa lain sebelum salam?Pertanyaan 38: Adakah doa tambahan lain sebelum salam?Pertanyaan 39: Bagaimanakah salam mengakhiri shalat?Pertanyaan 40: Ke manakah arah duduk imam setelah salam?
Pertanyaan 41: Ketika shalat, apakah Rasulullah Saw hanya membaca di dalam hati, atau dilafazkan?Pertanyaan 42: Apakah arti thuma’ninah? Apakah standarnya?Pertanyaan 43: Bagaimana shalat orang yang tidak ada thuma’ninah?Pertanyaan 44: Apa pendapat ulama tentang Qunut Shubuh?Pertanyaan 45: Apakah dalil hadits tentang adanya Qunut Shubuh?Pertanyaan 46: Apakah ketika membaca Qunut mesti mengangkat tangan?Pertanyaan 47: Jika seseorang shalat di belakang imam yang membaca Qunut, apakah ia mesti mengikuti imamnya?Pertanyaan 48: Adakah dalil keutamaan berdoa setelah shalat wajib?Pertanyaan 49: Adakah dalil mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa?Pertanyaan 50: Apakah dalil zikir setelah shalat?Pertanyaan 51: Apakah ada dalil zikir jahar setelah shalat?Pertanyaan 52: Apakah Sutrah itu?Pertanyaan 53: Apakah dalil shalat menghadap sutrah?Pertanyaan 54: Apakah hukum menggunakan sutrah?Pertanyaan 55: Adakah hadits yang menyebut Rasulullah Saw shalat tidak menghadap Sutrah?Pertanyaan 56: Apakah boleh membaca ayat ketika ruku’ dan sujud?Pertanyaan 57: Apakah boleh berdoa ketika sujud?Pertanyaan 58: Apakah boleh membaca doa yang tidak diajarkan nabi dalam shalat?Pertanyaan 59: Apakah boleh berdoa bahasa Indonesia dalam shalat?Pertanyaan 60: Berapa lamakah shalat nabi ketika shalat malam?Pertanyaan 61: Apakah ayat yang dibaca nabi?Pertanyaan 62: Apakah boleh shalat Dhuha berjamaah?Pertanyaan 63: Apakah dalil membaca surat as-Sajadah pada shubuh jum’at?Pertanyaan 64: Bagaimana jika dibaca terus menerus?
Pertanyaan 65: Ketika akan sujud, apakah imam bertakbir?Pertanyaan 66: Apakah dalil shalat sunnat Rawatib?Pertanyaan 67: Apakah shalat sunnat Rawatib yang paling kuat?Pertanyaan 68: Apakah ada perbedaan antara shalat Shubuh dan shalat Fajar?Pertanyaan 69: Jika terlambat melaksanakan shalat Qabliyah Shubuh, apakah bisa diqadha’?Pertanyaan 70: Adakah dalil shalat sunnat Qabliyah Maghrib?Pertanyaan 71: Waktu hanya cukup shalat dua rakaat, antara Tahyatalmasjid dan Qabliyah, apakah shalat
Tahyatalmasjid atau Qabliyah?
Pertanyaan 72: Berapakah jarak musafir boleh shalat Jama’/Qashar?Pertanyaan 73: Berapa hari boleh Qashar/Jama’?Pertanyaan 74: Bagaimanakah cara shalat khusyu’?Pertanyaan 75: Apakah fungsi shalat?Pertanyaan 76: Apakah shalat yang tertinggal wajib diganti?Pertanyaan 77: Apakah hukum orang yang meninggalkan shalat secara sadar dan sengaja

Source : karfianto.wordpress.com
Tags :
Mahzab Sholat, Cara Sholat Yang Benar, Doa-Doa Sholat Yang Benar, Perbedaan Mahzab, Tanya Jawab, ustad abdul somad, pembahasan sholat 

5 tips to turn into a successful part-time forex trader

There used to become a time whenever you had to become a full-time floor trader or forex broker in an effort to gain access towards the markets.
But today, the web has allowed virtually everyone to obtain acquainted with the people of the globe of forex trading. And what’s great is which you don’t even need to quit your 9 to 5. Like a part-time trader, you are able to benefit coming from the security of your respective monthly earnings while getting some nice income upon the side over your trades. Listed below are five ideas to ensure you begin inside the right direction.

Your trading style should match your schedule
As like a part-time trader means you simply possess a limited time to labor with daily. If you re able to only allow one hour of trading, opportunities are inevitably limited. This one hour might come at any given time when nothing really happens out there. For that reason, you have to iron your schedule first before picking a trading style. In case your time is severely limited, consider swing and position trades or perhaps scalping.

Obtain the most away from your trading time
When volatility is low, it’s tempting to carry out something else completely unrelated to trading. But since your time and effort is already limited, you ought to use every minute to hone your skills. Just like anything, you will get better with practice. Cause it to be a habit to carry out chart reviews, trade journaling, and backtesting. You may also use MetaTrader 4 demo which lets you make virtual trades and experiment with different strategies without the chance of losing money.

Start a trade journal
It could seem cumbersome to stay a trade journal, but it’s an easy tool which will turn you into your master trader. If you’re not reviewing the charts, you are able to sift over your trade journal and study the trades you‘ve made during the past. This journal also ensures which you follow the trading rules you‘ve set for only yourself. Journaling ought to be section of your daily routine because it reminds you of receiving to methods and learning from the mistakes.

Develop the ideal mindset
Many part-time traders feel frustrated once they overlook the large moves. However, there’s no reason you ought to have the same way. Unlike a forex robot, you can’t watch the charts 24 / 7. Your focus should get on making a profitable setup. You can’t catch all the marketplace movers, but getting one found out right could be all you have to enjoy huge gains.

Prioritize life outside of trading
If trading doesn’t put food upon the table, then don’t forget to prioritize your main supply of income. It may be your dream to turn into a full-time trader, but you’d never wish to compromise your entire day job. Also, ensuring that the life outside trading is all good will help you make more winning trades, which is really a win-win situation.

As like a part-time trader opens the door to new and exciting opportunities. Whether you’re looking to create a decent income upon the side or trade full-time sooner or later, make sure to keep the following pointers on your mind therefore you wouldn’t lose tabs on your targets.


What‘s day trading?
Day Trading refers to market positions that held only a brief time ; typically the trader opens and closes a position a similar day but positions could be held for any time period also. The positioning could be either long (buying outright ) or short (


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” borrowing


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” shares, then offering to sell at a particular price ). Each day trader is looking to bring benefit of volatility throughout the trading day, and reduce


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” overnight risk


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” caused by events (say for example a bad earnings surprise ) which may happen following the markets are closed.

How you can day trade, and also the top 10 day trading secrets for beginners.
The concept got a nasty reputation inside the 1990’s when many beginners began to day trade, jumping on your new online trading platforms without applying tested stock trading strategies. They thought they might “go to work” with their pajamas and have a fortune in stock trades with very little knowledge or effort. This proved not as being case.

Yet day trading Isn‘t everything complicated when you learn an easy, rules-based strategy for anticipating market moves, for example that taught at Online Trading Academy.

Listed below are 10 strategies approach day trade for beginners :
Look out for scenarios where supply and demand are drastically imbalanced, and utilize these when your entry points.
The financial markets are like anything in everyday life : if supply is near exhaustion there remain willing buyers, price is going to go higher. When there is excess supply and no willing buyers, price will go down. At Online Trading Academy, students are taught to recognize these turning points on the price chart and you may do the same thing by studying historical examples.

Always set price targets before you decide to jump in.
If you’re buying an extended position, make a decision beforehand just simply the amount profit is acceptable in addition to a stop-loss level when the trade turns against you. Then, stick from our decisions. This limits your potential loss and keeps you from overly greedy if price spikes for an untenable level. Exception : inside a strong market it’s acceptable to line a brand new profit goal and stop-loss level once your initial target is achieved.

Insist on the risk-reward ratio of a minimum of 3 : 1 when setting your targets.
One of the most crucial lessons in stock trading for beginners is to comprehend an effective risk-reward ratio. Like the Online Trading Academy instructors point out, this lets you “lose small and win big” and are available out ahead even when you have losses on a lot of your trades. Actually, when you gain some experience, risk-reward ratios of up to 5 : 1 or perhaps higher can be attainable.

Become a patient trader.
Paradoxical though it could seem, successful day traders often do not trade daily. They‘ll be out there, at their computer, but in the event that they don’t see any opportunities that meet their criteria they‘re going to not execute a trade that day. That’s plenty better than going against your own personal best judgment from an impatient need to “just take action. ” Plan your trades, then trade your plan.

Become a disciplined trader.
Again, you have to set a trading plan and stick with it. At Online Trading Academy, students execute live stock trades out there beneath the guidance of the senior instructor until right decisions become second nature. If you’re trading by yourself, impulsive behavior could be your worst enemy. Greed can a person able for too long and fear can cause one to bail out too soon. Don’t expect to obtain rich on the single trade.

Don’t be scared to push the “order” button.
Novice day traders often face “paralysis by analysis” simply since they get wrapped up in watching the candles and also the Level 2 columns on the screen and can’t act quickly when opportunity presents itself. If you’re disciplined and work your plan, actually placing the order ought to be automatic. If you’re wrong, your stops can get you out without major damage.

Only day trade with money you are able to lose.
Successful traders possess a “little bucket” of risk capital and also a “big bucket” of cash they’re saving for retirement or another long-term goal. Big bucket money tends to become invested more conservatively and in longer-duration positions. It’s not absolutely forbidden to make use of this money occasionally for each day trade, however the odds ought to be very high with your favor.

Never risk an excessive amount capital on a single trade.
Set a percentage of your respective total day trading budget (which could be anywhere from 2% to 10%, counting on just simply the amount money you‘ve ) and don’t permit the scale your position to exceed it. Otherwise, you‘ll overlook a good better opportunity out there.

Don’t limit day trading to stocks.
Forex, futures and options are three asset classes that display volatility and liquidity identical to stocks, making them ideal for day trading. And sometimes part of them will present appealing opportunities on the day once the stock marketplace is going nowhere.

Don’t second-guess yourself, but do learn from experience.
Daily trader has losses, so don’t kick yourself once the occasional trade doesn’t go the road. Do, however, confirm which you followed your established day trading rules and didn’t fall into or out at the incorrect time.

Top 10 Rules For Successful Trading

Most those who are curious about learning how you can become profitable traders need only spend a couple of minutes online before reading such phrases as


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” plan your trade ; trade your plan


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” and


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” care your losses to some minimum.


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” For new traders, these tidbits of data can seem like a distraction than any actionable advice. New traders often just want to understand how to found out their charts to allow them to hurry up and produce money.

To achieve success in trading, however, one needs to comprehend the significance of and adhere to some rules which have guided all kinds of traders, with a number of trading account sizes. Each rule alone is vital, but once they work together the results are strong. Trading with one of these rules can greatly boost the odds of succeeding inside the markets.

Rule No. 1 : Always Make use of a Trading Plan
A trading plan‘s a written group of rules that specifies a trader’s entry, exit or capital management criteria. Employing a trading plan enables traders to do that, although it‘s a time intensive endeavor.

With today’s technology, it is effortless to test a trading idea before risking real money. Backtesting, applying trading ideas to historical data, enables traders to work out in case a trading plan‘s viable, and likewise shows the expectancy from the plan’s logic. Once a plan is developed and backtesting shows good results, the plan can be utilized in real trading. The key here usually is to stick with the plan. Taking trades outside from the trading plan, even if they should come out to become winners, is taken into account poor trading and destroys any expectancy the plan could have had. (Discover backtesting in Backtesting : Interpreting the Past. )

Rule No. 2 : Treat Trading As a Business
So as to achieve success, one must approach trading like a full- or part-time business – not like a hobby or employment. Like a hobby, where no resolve for learning is made, trading could be very expensive. As employment it could be frustrating since there isn‘t any regular paycheck. Trading is really a business, and incurs expenses, losses, taxes, uncertainty, stress and risk. Like a trader, you‘re essentially a little business owner, and must seek information and strategize to maximize your business’s potential.

Rule No. 3 : Use Technology to Your Advantage
Trading is really a competitive business, you can assume individual sitting on another side of the trade is taking full benefit of technology. Charting platforms allow traders an infinite sort of methods for viewing and analyzing the markets. Backtesting an idea on historical data just before risking any cash can save a trading account, to not mention stress and frustration. Getting market updates with smartphones enables us to monitor trades virtually anywhere. Even technology that today we require granted, like high-speed internet connections, can greatly increase trading performance.

Using technology within your advantage, and keeping current with available technological advances, could be fun and rewarding in trading.

Rule No. 4 : Protect Your Trading Capital
Saving money to finance a trading account may take a very long time and much effort. It could be even more complicated (or impossible ) subsequent time around. It is very important note that protecting your trading capital Isn‘t synonymous with not having any losing trades. All traders have losing trades ; that‘s section of business. Protecting capital entails not taking any unnecessary risks and doing all the things you can to preserve your trading business. (See Risk Management Techniques For Active Traders for additional. )

Rule No. 5 : Turn into a Student from the Markets
Consider it continuing education – traders got to remain focused on learning more every day. Since many concepts carry prerequisite knowledge, it is very important do not forget that comprehending the markets, and every one of their intricacies, is definitely an ongoing, lifelong process.

Hard research enables traders to find out the reality, like just what the different economic reports mean. Focus and observation allow traders to achieve instinct and discover the nuances ; this really is what helps traders understand how those economic reports impact the market they‘re trading. (Read about 24 different economic reports in your Economic Indicators Tutorial. )

World politics, events, economies – even the weather – all have an influence on the markets. The marketplace environment is dynamic. The greater traders understand the previous and current markets, the greater prepared they‘ll be to face the longer term.

Rule No. 6 : Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose
In rule No. 4, I mentioned that funding a trading account may be a long process. Before a trader begins using real cash, It‘s imperative that all the money inside the account be truly expendable. If it isn‘t, the trader should keep saving until It‘s.

It ought to go without saying the money inside a trading account shouldn‘t be allocated to the kid’s educational costs or paying the mortgage. Traders must never allow themselves to believe they‘re simply


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” borrowing


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” money from these other important obligations. One must be ready to lose all of the money allocated to some trading account.

Losing money is traumatic enough ; It‘s much more so if it‘s capital that ought to have never been risked to start with.

Rule No. 7 : Attain a Trading Methodology Depending on Facts
Taking time to attain a sound trading methodology is valued at the effort. It might be tempting to believe inside the


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” very easy it is like printing money


[click to edit]’)” onmouseout=”UnTip()”>” trading scams which are prevalent on the web. But facts, not emotions or hope, ought to be the inspiration behind developing a trading plan.

Traders who aren‘t inside a hurry to find out typically have a simpler time sifting through all the information available on the web. Consider this : if you had been to start out a brand new career, greater than likely you‘d need to review with a university or college for a minimum of a year or two before you decide to were qualified to even apply for any position inside the new field. Expect that learning how you can trade demands a minimum of a similar period of time and factually driven research and study. (Refer to Day Trading Strategies For Beginners for any primer on picking the ideal strategy. )

Rule No. 8 : Always Make use of a Stop Loss
A stop loss is really a predetermined level of risk that the trader is ready to accept with each trade. The stop loss could be either a dollar amount or percentage, but in either case it limits the trader’s exposure during a trade. Employing a stop loss may take many of the emotion from trading, since we understand that we‘ll only lose X amount on a trade.

Ignoring a stop loss, even if this leads to some winning trade, is bad practice. Exiting having a stop loss, and thereby owning a losing trade, remains good trading if this falls inside the trading plan’s rules. As the preference usually is to exit all trades having a profit, it isn‘t realistic. Employing a protective stop loss helps ensure which our losses and our risk are limited.

Rule No. 9 : Know When you should Stop Trading
There will be two good top why you should stop trading : an ineffective trading plan, and an ineffective trader.

An ineffective trading plan shows much greater losses than anticipated in historical testing. Markets could have changed, volatility inside a certain trading instrument could have lessened, as well as trading plan simply Isn‘t performing along with expected. You will benefit by remaining unemotional and businesslike. It may be time for them to reevaluate the trading plan and produce a couple of changes, or to start out over with a brand new trading plan. An unsuccessful trading plan‘s an issue that must be solved. It isn‘t necessarily finished from the trading business.

An ineffective trader is definitely that is not able to follow his trading plan. External stressors, poor habits and insufficient physical activity can all bring about this issue. A trader who Isn‘t in peak condition for trading should consider a break to do business with any personal problems, whether it is health or stress or anything that prohibits the trader from effective. After any difficulties and challenges happen to be handled, the trader can resume.

Rule No. 10 : Keep Trading in Perspective
It is very important stay focused on the large picture when trading. A losing trade Shouldn‘t surprise us – It‘s part of trading. Likewise, a winning trade is simply a measure along the trail to profitable trading. It‘s the cumulative profits that have a difference. Once a trader accepts wins and losses as section of the business, emotions may have less in an effect on trading performance. Which is not to mention that many of us can‘t be enthusiastic about a particularly fruitful trade, however we must remember that a losing trade Isn‘t far off.

Setting realistic goals is definitely an essential part to help keep trading in perspective. In case a trader has a little trading account, she or he Shouldn‘t expect to pull in huge returns. A 10% return on the $10, 000 account is very different when compared to a 10% return on the $1, 000, 000 trading account. Work with what you‘ve, and remain sensible.

Understanding the significance of each or these trading rules, and just how they work together, may help traders establish a viable trading business. Trading is labor, and traders that have the discipline and patience to follow these rules can improve their odds of success in a really competitive arena.

Read about trading rules inside the foreign exchange market in your Forex Trading Rules Tutorial.

9 Tricks from the Successful Forex Trader

For many of their numbers, charts and ratios, trading is much more art than science. Just as in artistic endeavors, There‘s talent involved, but talent will only take you thus far. The very best traders hone their skills through practice and discipline. They perform self analysis to discover what drives their trades and understand how to keep fear and greed from the equation. In this post we will look into nine steps a novice trader could use to perfect his craft ; to the experts available, you may just find some tips that will assist you earn smarter, more profitable trades too.

1. Define your targets and select a compatible trading style
Before you decide to set on any journey, It‘s imperative you have some concept of where your destination is and just how you‘ll there. Consequently, It‘s imperative you have clear goals on your mind on the things you want to achieve ; you then need to ensure that your trading method is proficient at achieving these goals. Each kinds of trading style requires a special approach and each style has a special risk profile, which requires a special attitude and approach to trade successfully. For instance, if you can‘t stomach going to rest by having an open position out there then you may consider day trading. However, when you have funds which you think will benefit coming from the appreciation of the trade during a period of some months, then a position trader is what you need to think about becoming. Just ensure that your personality fits the type of trading you undertake. A personality mismatch will result in stress and certain losses.

2. Select a broker who provides an appropriate trading platform
It is very important select a broker who offers a trading platform that will allow conduct the analysis you require. Selecting a reputable broker is fully necessary and investing time and resources researching the differences between brokers will certainly be very helpful. You need to know each broker’s policies and just how she or he goes about made a market. For instance, trading inside the over-the-counter market or spot marketplace is differ from trading the exchange-driven markets. In selecting a broker, it is very important understand your broker’s policies. Also ensure that your broker’s trading platform is ideal for the analysis you really want to do. For instance, if you wish to trade off of Fibonacci numbers, make certain the broker’s platform can draw Fibonacci lines. A very good broker having a poor platform, or a very good platform having a poor broker, may be a problem. Ensure you get the very best of both.

3. Select a methodology and become consistent in its application

Before you decide to enter any market like a trader, you must have some concept of how you‘ll make decisions to execute your trades. You need to really know what information you‘ll need in an effort to result in the appropriate decision about whether to enter or exit a trade. Many people opt to look into the underlying fundamentals of the corporate or economy, after which make use of a chart to find the best time for them to execute the trade. Others use technical analysis ; consequently they‘re going to only use charts to time a trade. Do not forget that fundamentals drive the tendancy forever, whereas chart patterns may offer trading opportunities inside the short term. Whichever methodology you finally choose, remember to become consistent. And become sure your methodology is adaptive. The body should resolve the changing dynamics of the market.

4. Choose your entry and exit time frame carefully
Many traders get confused due to conflicting information that occurs when examining charts in several time frames. What shows up like a buying opportunity on the weekly chart could, actually, come up like a sell signal with an intraday chart. Therefore, if you‘re taking your basic trading direction given by a weekly chart and employing a daily chart to time entry, make sure to synchronize the 2. Basically, when the weekly chart is providing you with a buy signal, wait till the daily chart also confirms a buy signal. Care your timing in sync.

5. Calculate your expectancy
Expectancy is that the formula you employ to work out how reliable the body is. You ought to go in some serious amounts of measure all of your trades that were winners versus losers. Then determine how profitable your winning trades were versus just simply the amount your losing trades lost.

Check out your last 10 trades. In case you have not made actual trades yet, go back in your chart to where the body would have indicated that you ought to enter and exit a trade. Determine if you‘d have designed a profit or perhaps a loss. Write these results down. Total all of your winning trades and divide the answer by the amount of winning trades you made. This is actually the formula :

E= 1+ (W / L ) x P – 1
where :

W = Average Winning Trade
L = Average Losing Trade
P = Percentage Win Ratio
Example :

In case you made 10 trades and six the strategies were winning trades and 4 were losing trades, your percentage win ratio could be 6 / 10 or 60%. In case your six trades made $2, 400, then your average win could be $2, 400 / 6 = $400. In case your losses were $1, 200, then your average loss could be $1, 200 / 4 = $300. Apply these results towards the formula and you also get ; E= 1+ (400 / 300 ) x 0. 6 – 1 = 0. 40 or 40%. Distinct 40% expectancy means that the system will return you 40 cents per dollar during the long-term.

6. Focus in your trades and discover to adore small losses
After you have funded your account, it is important to remember is that the money is at risk. Therefore, your hard earned money shouldn‘t be needed for living or to pay out bills etc. Consider your trading money as though it were vacation money. When the vacation has ended your hard earned money is spent. Have a similar attitude toward trading. This‘ll psychologically prepare one to accept small losses, and that is secret for managing your risk. By focusing in your trades and accepting small losses instead of constantly counting your equity, you may be a lot more successful.

Secondly, only leverage your trades to some maximum risk of 2% of your respective total funds. Basically, when you have $10, 000 with your trading account, never let any trade lose greater than 2% from the account value, or $200. In case your stops are farther away than 2% of your respective account, trade shorter time frames or decrease the leverage.

7. Build positive feedback loops
Distinct feedback loop is created due to a well-executed trade in accordance along with your plan. Whenever you plan a trade after which execute nicely, you form distinct feedback pattern. Success breeds success, which breeds confidence – particularly if the trade is profitable. Even though you take a little loss but achieve this in accordance having a planned trade, then you‘ll be building distinct feedback loop.

8. Perform weekend analysis

Upon the weekend, once the markets are closed, study weekly charts to look out for patterns or news that can affect your trade. Maybe pattern is made a double top and also the pundits and also the news are suggesting a market reversal. This can be a type of reflexivity in which the pattern could possibly be prompting the pundits as the pundits are reinforcing the pattern. As well as pundits can be telling you that the marketplace is going to explode. Perhaps these are generally pundits hoping to lure you into the marketplace so that they‘ll sell their positions on increased liquidity. These are generally the sorts of actions to look out for to assist you formulate your upcoming trading week. Inside the cool light of objectivity, you‘ll make your very best plans. Wait for the setups and discover to become patient.

9. Keep a printed record
Keeping a printed record is a superb learning tool. Print out a chart and list all of the reasons to the trade, including the basics that sway your decisions. Mark the chart along with your entry and also your exit points. Make any relevant comments upon the chart. File this record so that you could refer inwith it again and again again. Note the emotional reasons for following through. Did you panic? Were you too greedy? Were you filled with anxiety? Note these feelings in your record. It‘s only when you are able objectify your trades which you will develop the mental control and discipline to execute according within your system rather than your habits.

The Bottom Line
The steps above will lead you to some structured approach to trading and in return should help it causes you to become a far more refined trader. Trading is definitely an art and also the best way to get increasingly proficient is through consistent and disciplined practice. Recall the expression : the harder you practice the luckier you will get.

Read more : 9 Tricks Of The Successful Forex Trader https : / / www. investopedia. com / articles / forex / 08 / successful-trader-traits. asp#ixzz5BRepUeeh
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Cryptocurrency trading signals

Cryptocurrency trading tips :
You do not need big amount to start out trading, 100$ – 200$ will certainly be enough.

Far better to create accounts on various exchanges, because its not all coins listed at one exchange, also for arbitrage trick this can be needed anytime. We posted below some much popular exchanges – but actually there are a lot of more.

Arbitrage trading. There will be cases when price of whatever coin at one exchange is much higher then in the least others exchange platforms, and you may transfer your funds between those platforms for earning good profit. But usually exchanges blocking this chance to prevent their loss. Deposit / withdrawal issue? Could they be kidding us? So often It‘s simply impossible to carry out arbitrage trading.

HODL. HOLDING your coins – await profit or prevent loss – is among the main kinds of earnings in cryptocurrency trading. Wait and see.

Pump&Dump. Pumping method is using by large quantity of participants in purchasing exactly token which chosen by pumpers. So, if some coin’s price was 100satoshi, after pump price could increase to 200satoshi, and it is going to be 100% of your respective profit. But, it always could possibly be risk that pump session ain’t end well and you‘ll loose your coins (usually btc ). It is risky method, you ought to check it out, to obtain some btc after which invest as a pro. Also concentrate on pre-Pump. Pre-pump happens when many people buy some tokens on exchange before this pump will certainly be announce to a different auditory. And When you‘re joining pre-pump session, you‘re seeing that coin’s price is already increased on 30%-50% – during this session you won’t get any profit, and probably loose section of your coins, because this fraud group used you. So, please work only with trusted channels (or groups ).

PS. Nobody on Earth do not know just what means HODL. And info you are able to continue reading bitcointalk forum.

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